Neighborhood: Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake Beach is open 8 AM to 8 PM.
Crystal Lake Park is located off of Bodwell Road in Southern Manchester.
- Park Curfew and gates lock when staff leaves at 8 PM.
- Showers must be taken
- Bathers must wear bathing suits (no shorts or t-shirts)
- The Swimwear Policy is available on the City’s Website or you can ask the facility staff to view a copy.
- Tight-fitting rubber pants or plastic “swim pants” are required for those individuals who are diaper-dependent or for those who are not toilet trained. Disposable or cloth diapers are not permitted.
- No sitting or hanging on safety (float) line
- Floating aids, masks, snorkels, fins, etc., are not permitted.
- Swimmers wearing a swim vest must have a doctor’s note. The vest must be coast guard approved Type 2 with crotch strap
- No underwater distance swimming
- No boats, canoes, floats, or rafts in the swimming area
- No jet skis allowed
- Skateboards, Bikes, Rollerblades/skates are not allowed in the bathhouse.
- Non-swimmers must stay in shallow water accompanied by an adult who is less than an arm’s length away.
- No climbing on guard chair and tower
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the park
- No grilling or open flame in the park
- Smoking is not permitted on the beach
- Pets of any kind are not permitted beyond the wooden fence
- No swimming or diving off rocks
- Please do not feed the ducks
- No littering
During the summer, the gate will remain open until 8 pm.
During the fall, winter, and spring, the gate will close at sunset.