(HUD FY 2024 Annual Action Plan)
In accordance with the City of Manchester’s Citizen Participation Plan notice is hereby given that as part of the development process of the City’s FY2025 Community Improvement Program, the City of Manchester Planning & Community Development Department has prepared a draft of the HUD FY2024 Annual Action Plan. The draft will be available for public review during a 30-day comment period beginning Monday, April 15, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. through Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
The Action Plan is an annual element of the five-year Consolidated Plan, which is a prerequisite for the receipt of funding from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), including Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and HOME funding. The estimated level of funding for each is as follows: CDBG entitlement funds, including program income, in the amount of $1,620,470; HOME entitlement funds, including program income and unprogrammed funds, in the amount of $1,737,020; and ESG funds in the amount of $146,899, for a total entitlement funding of $3,504,389. Submittal to HUD of the Federal Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Action Plan will occur upon approval by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen around May 17, 2024.
The Action Plan includes a number of activities that will primarily benefit low to moderate income City residents, either directly or indirectly. The Action Plan also includes a summary of the consultation process and coordination between the City and the Manchester Continuum of Care to support homelessness needs and services with entitlement funds. Proposed activities encompass (1) Public Services Activities which include day care, health care services, youth outreach, after school and educational and recreational programs, social services and neighborhood safety oriented programs; (2) Homeless Prevention and Homeless Support Services; 3) General Municipal and Community Development Programs including neighborhood and housing revitalization, infrastructure improvements, lead paint hazard remediation; and (4) Planning and Administration to include administrative costs for overall program activities and contingencies.
Copies of the draft Annual Action Plan will be available for public inspection for 30 days beginning on April 15, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at the following locations during regular business hours:
Planning & Community Development Department, One City Hall Plaza, Manchester, NH;
Manchester City Library, 405 Pine Street, Manchester, NH;
Manchester Community Resource Center, 434 Lake Avenue, Manchester, NH;
Available digitally at:
Questions regarding the Action Plan may be addressed to CIP Coordinator, Todd Fleming in the Planning and Community Development Department at 624-6450.
The public is encouraged to submit comments on the proposed Annual Action Plan through May 16, 2024. Please submit written comments to the City of Manchester Department of Planning and Community Development, Community Improvement Program, One City Hall Plaza, Manchester, NH 03101.
Signed: Jeffrey D. Belanger, AICP