Aging Well

Start Time:04/10/2025 1:00 PM
End Time:04/10/2025 2:00 PM
Source:Senior Services Calendar
Location:Wm B Cashin Senior Activity Center

Challenge your perceptions of how aging looks. Stigma associated with aging is cultivated in words, descriptions and print media. Differences between typical aging vs. medical conditions that are attributed to growing older will be discussed along with specific concerns those living with medical conditions may face. The growing population of aging adults shows us that people are living longer and healthier lives and have much to give. Life is a journey and those who can find meaning and purpose increase their resiliency. The exciting part is that resiliency can be cultivated by taking action to improve your wellbeing, mental and physical health. Sponsored by Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester. Please call 603-624-6533 to sign up in advance. 


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City of Manchester Health Department
1528 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101


(603) 624-6466



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