Seed Swap

Start Time:04/03/2025 1:00 PM
End Time:04/03/2025 3:00 PM
Source:Manchester City Library
Location:Main Library

The Manchester City Library invites you to a Seed Swap in preparation for the 2025 growing season! Join us in the Winchell Room on Thursday, April 3rd at 1:00 PM for an afternoon of community connections. Please bring with you any seeds you wish to donate! These can be seeds you harvested, seeds you weren't able to use last year, or any other identifiable seeds no older than 2 years. There will be plenty of donation envelopes on hand to package up your donated seeds for inclusion in the Manchester Seed Library. You can also take some seeds home with you! The Manchester Garden Club has been promoting gardening and horticulture for over 90 years. Their goal is to aide in the conservation and protection of our natural environment and to continue to further enhance the beautification of the Manchester Community. New members are encouraged, and many garden centers offer discounts to members. For more information, visit For questions, call Sue Harmon at 603-624-6550 ext. 7620 or email


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(603) 624-6466



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