Remembering Together

Start Time:04/07/2025 10:30 AM
End Time:04/07/2025 11:30 AM
Source:Manchester City Library
Location:Main Library

This week's question: Do you remember any fads/trends when you were young? Our lives are made up of stories. The Remembering Together program offers seniors a unique opportunity to share with one another some of their memorable life stories. These stories are often a source of encouragement, mutual appreciation, perspective, and a sense of connection. Of course, there are also times when a story gives everyone a good laugh.     Please join The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester and the Manchester City Library for a conversational group at the Senior Center on Mondays at 10:30am. Virtual attendance is also available! For questions, call Susan Harmon at 603-624-6550 x7620 or email Signup for this program is encouraged! We will send you a reminder email before the meeting as well as a zoom link if you wish to attend virtually.


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Contact Information

City of Manchester Health Department
1528 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101


(603) 624-6466



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