Tai Ji Quan

Start Time:06/06/2025 10:30 AM
End Time:06/06/2025 11:30 AM
Source:Senior Services Calendar
Location:Wm B Cashin Senior Activity Center
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® (TJQMBB) is a research-based balance-training program designed for older adults at risk of falling and people with balance disorders developed by Fuzhong Li, Ph.D. The program consists of two major components. One is a core routine set of exercises based on traditional Tai Ji Quan (TJQ) forms with built in practice variations such as seated, standing, and direction changing movements. The other is a subroutine of Mini Therapeutic Movements® integrating TJQ movement and therapeutic balance and mobility training. TJQMBB significantly reduces falls (58% reduction in falls in individuals 65 and older, 75% reduction in injurious falls and a 67% reduction in falls in people with Parkinson’s Disease) and improves function, balance and strength. A recent study has also showed it can slow cognitive decline. This program is the only community-based tai chi program extensively tested through randomized controlled trials and demonstrated to have this degree of efficacy. Must have prior balance screen to join. 

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City of Manchester Health Department
1528 Elm St, Manchester, NH 03101


(603) 624-6466



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